My Baby Sleeps in a Boppy No Holes

Here are some safe sleep rules we don't demand to break on a regular ground to make sure our little lamb is snug and rubber as a bug in a carpet.

When I was pregnant with my firstborn I lived in Scotland. I had a midwife, in fact, I never saw a doc that whole pregnancy. Not fifty-fifty at commitment.

My midwife gave me some things early on that helped me tremendously. First, she gave me a DVD (yes, a dvd!) on how to get a good latch. 2nd, she told me almost safe sleep in no uncertain terms. Flat no surface, no fluff, no decorations, nothing.

She said in the ten years since they'd recommended this, SIDS occurrences had decreased 90%.

We had a few hairy nights when I depended upon my own swaddling skills and was unbearably anxious all nighttime. So I swapped to this swaddle and that was it.

This topic is close to my heart, considering I come into contact with then many parents who are using unsafe sleep practices. Sometimes it is from misinformation or lack of awareness, but more than oft, it'southward from sheer agony.

The numbers are heartbreaking

The numbers are clear, nearly 3,500+  infants dice from sleep related causes every yr, including SIDS. A young infant is far more than probable to die from SIDS or SUID while sleeping in a grown-upward's bed (check out the evidence and the divergence between SIDS/SUID here).

As awful and heart-wrenching equally those statistics are, if there is whatsoever good news in it, information technology'south that through prevention and education, many potential future deaths can be avoided.

This article is not a comprehensive list of condom sleep practices. But is a listing of the safe slumber practices I virtually commonly meet broken and the reasons this often happens, so that I tin can help you figure out what to practice instead.

Because information technology'southward one thing to KNOW the safe-sleep dominion, only it'south an entirely different matter to actually follow information technology when it turns out following it ways endless nights of no sleep.

#i Babe should always slumber on a flat surface

This is ane of the most central recommendations for safe sleep. With the invention and promotion of so many baby products that enable upright sleeping positions it'southward not uncommon for some babies to not practise any of their sleep on a flat surface.

Instead, they're using things like the rock'n play, or automated baby bouncers like the Mamaroo, or but a basic baby swing. Fifty-fifty though these products specifically say they are non for slumber, and that babies should always be supervised, this is often disregarded.

Why breaking it is so dangerous:

A baby sleeping in an upright position is at take chances of having his caput tilt forward so much that it cuts off his airway and blocks his breathing. At that place is also the less dangerous only very real risk of baby developing flathead (positional plagiocephaly.)

Why we break it anyway

Baby won't sleep anywhere else. They seem to want to be upright, or at to the lowest degree tilted upwards, and cuddled up more than, like in the swing or rock'northward play. Or, baby falls comatose in the car seat or stroller and is not transferred. As well, movement volition lull the babies to sleep when zip else works.

It's not deep restorative sleep, according to studies, just at least they aren't screaming!

Another mutual reason is that your baby has reflux. This is such a tough one, because they seem truly uncomfortable laying apartment on their backs. They also oftentimes need to be kept awake after feeds, which can contribute to over-tiredness, making slumber even harder.


Make sure you swaddle your baby securely and safely, so that they have the comfort of the womb and their startle reflex is in cheque. Follow wake times to brand sure overtiredness isn't contributing to their disability to sleep flat.

As well, when transferring a sleeping babe from your arms to the crib, have his feet touch the mattress first, not his shoulders or head (which can make babies experience like they're falling and trigger the startle reflex.)

If y'all're finding safety-sleep incommunicable with your newborn because of genuine reflux, talk about the options for medication with your pediatrician. Go along holding babe upright after feeds, but and so identify him down on his back.

28 things to try if baby won't sleep, baby in crib

28 Things To Do If Baby Won't Slumber CHECKLIST

Here's a handy peachy list of 28 things to endeavour and then baby will stop fighting sleep and sleep longer and afterwards.

baby safe sleeping on a flat surface

#2 Babe should always sleep on a firm surface

Along with sleeping on a flat surface, information technology should also be firm. So, this means never place your baby to sleep on a burrow, waterbed, memory foam mattress, pillow of any kind, Boppy, etc.

Why breaking it is so dangerous:

Baby's head can make an indentation. This ways they could bury their face into it. Of course, this potentially leads to suffocation or creating a little air-pocket in which they can re-breathe their ain carbon-dioxide.

Why we break it anyhow

This one is sometimes accidentally not followed. Mom may autumn asleep on the couch or retention foam mattress while nursing the baby. Other times, parents retrieve their child volition be more comfortable on a softer surface, not realizing this is dangerous.


Always check to make sure the surface your babe is sleeping on is approved for BABY sleep. If the product has the word "crib", "bassinet" or "play 1000" in it, it is approved.

Make sure to stay awake while feeding the baby and, if y'all autumn asleep with the baby on an unsafe surface, as soon as you lot realize it, transfer the babe to a prophylactic sleep space.

baby sleeping on firm surface

#3 Baby should e'er be placed to sleep on their dorsum for sleep

When the AAP started recommending back for sleep, instead of tum or side position, SIDS deaths decreased past 40% in a ii year span. That is a pretty incredible issue.

Nevertheless, when parents are drastic and babies will actually sleep on their tummies… they let them. One reason babies sleep on their tummies is they are not able to startle themselves awake. Swaddling volition achieve the same thing, but safely.

Why breaking information technology is and so unsafe

Research isn't clear virtually exactly why stomach sleep is such a SIDS risk. It could be because a stomach sleeper is more likely to exhale into the mattress. This creates a pocket of air where they are re-breathing their own carbon-dioxide. This is one of the leading theories on the crusade of SIDS.

Who knows why, simply research is articulate that back sleeping reduces the gamble drastically.

Why we suspension it anyway

Some babies sleep much improve on their tummies, and parents are desperate for slumber. Also, some parents worry near a baby with reflux choking on their own spit upward.


Put baby to sleep on their backs and teach them to self-settle. Again, swaddling and following wake-times is extremely important to make sure they are communicable their ideal "slumber wave" and not going to sleep overtired.

Also, make sure their sleep environment is optimal.

Some babies who prefer tum sleep might also benefit from a swaddle or sleep sack like the Nested Bean, which puts a gentle corporeality of pressure level on their chests, like to what they feel with their chest confronting the mattress.

In regards to choking on their spit up, thankfully no research has shown this to exist a hazard because babies accept preventative mechanisms to forbid choking. Babies may cough a little, merely they don't actually choke (choking = blocked airway). And then you can balance assured they are safe on their backs.

Nap Times Cheat Sheet

Learn how to space naps, how many a day per age, best times, etc. and get your nap game ON!

baby safely sleeping in dads arms

#iv Babies should room-share but not bed-share

I go into room sharing strategies hither, but this is important to mention.

Though bed-sharing tin can exist washed in a safe mode, there are and so many specific guidelines to follow to brand it condom that most parents are not doing it safely. In fact, much of bed sharing is actually washed in reaction to baby not sleeping.

Not equally a proactive choice. And to be fair, sleeping with babe in a bed is notwithstanding safer than falling asleep with baby on a sofa.

The scary reality is that the risk of SIDS skyrockets for babies who are sleeping in developed beds unsafely. Mainly because there are too many big blankets and pillows effectually, the bed is up high and upwardly confronting a wall, and parents are extremely wearied.

The risk goes upward even higher if there is whatever smoking, alcohol, obesity, or exhaustion (howdy new parents!). People who recommend bed-sharing make the assumption that this will help everyone become MORE slumber.

Only the reality is that bed-sharing often leads to extreme burnout, which is ane of the HUGE condom risks of bed-sharing.

Why breaking it is and then dangerous

Bed-sharing increases accidental death by SIDS by upward to 40%. This is mostly because of the chance of rolling on height of your babe. Also, baby can become wedged between the mattress and a wall. Other reasons include infant having also many pillows and blankets about his face, or infant overheating.

Why we break information technology anyway

Some babies volition only slumber fastened to their milk source, essentially replacing their beloved mommy pacifier all dark. Other reasons include cultural norms, wanting extra bonding at night, and that it'south easier to breastfeed.


Unless you're going to follow every unmarried guideline for safe bed-sharing, please simply draw the line. Exercise not pull your baby into bed with you when you know you'll autumn comatose, peculiarly if you lot're sleep deprived.

But I'll say it again, falling asleep with baby in your bed is all the same safer than falling asleep with baby in a recliner, chair, or sofa. So delight weigh these risks with your physician.

Work towards encouraging good for you slumber habits from the get-go. Go along your baby in a co-sleeper right next to y'all, if that helps requite you peace of mind.

#5 Do not put anything in the crib or bassinet with the baby

Tiny little babies in their large cribs, or even just their empty bassinets tin can seem then…solitary. It can exist tempting to add some cute blimp animals, a warm blanket, or comfy pillow to help them feel more cozy.

But, this truly goes against the basic rubber sleep recommendations from the AAP.

Their cribs or bassinets should be basically empty as well the baby and what babe is wearing.

This includes whatever infant positioners, wedges, or large "loungers" similar the Dock-a-tot and the SnuggleMe. Resist the temptation to put the cute blimp acquit from Grandma in at that place. Except for a quick photograph op, of course. Blankets used to securely swaddle or tightly tucked in (not loose) tin can be used.

Why breaking it is so unsafe

Having things like bumpers, pillows, loose blankets, or blimp animals in the crib increases the hazard of baby overheating. Or accidentally creating that air-pocket where they re-breathe their ain carbon-dioxide.

Sparse blankets and the ties of bumpers are also a strangulation run a risk.

baby sleeping with blanket nearly over face not safe sleep

Why we break it anyhow

I call back going into a baby shop in Australia and asking for a crib bumper. She asked how old my babe was and, when I told her, she said, "No, nosotros don't sell them for babies until they're 1." I honestly hadn't known, but was so glad she told me.

Crib bumpers are still sold and seem cute and cozy and some parents, like myself, didn't know. Or parents might experience bumpers are necessary for a infant who bangs their head on the crib slats or gets limbs stuck between the slats.

Sometimes parents want to provide more warmth or comfort by adding blankets and pillows. Parents frequently overestimate how warm a babe needs to be.

What to do instead

Resist the urge. Focus on dressing baby properly for warmth, and know that babies don't actually need pillows for sleep. If you use a coating, make sure it's tucked into the mattress lower than baby'south shoulders and not loose.

baby in empty crib

What About These Products…

Here are some more than specific things, while we're at it.

Baby sleep positioners

While playing and hanging out? Sure. While napping or sleeping? Nope. Not safe even to proceed babe on his dorsum. These are made of soft materials that are basically piffling pillows, therefore, not safe, according to the AAP.

If infant is rolling himself to his belly or side information technology's okay to let him sleep that way, but he should start off on his dorsum.

A blanket for warmth

In that location is no need. Just use a swaddle and warmer pajamas, equally needed. I extra layer of clothing more than what you're wearing is fine, if you're concerned. Feel their ears to meet if they truly are cold, and if then, add a onesie under their pajamas, turn upward the thermostat slightly, or get a thicker swaddle.

A babe that is too warm is also at an increased risk for SIDS, and then remove layers if they are sweating or their chest feels hot to the touch.

The Dock-a-tot?!

Ok, don't send me detest post for this. I know a lot of moms swear by the Dock-a-tot for improving their newborn's sleep, but someone's gotta say information technology. Dock-a-tots are NOT safe for unsupervised sleep. I know this is hard to hear for moms who had one of those babies who started magically sleeping through the night after introducing one of these.

Every bit I dug deeper into the Dock-a-tot's claims nearly it being a safe-sleep selection, it's generally based on it being a flat, firm(ish) surface. And it existence made out of a "breathable" textile, which sounds good, but in reality, "breathability" is not a term monitored by the AAP or verifiable in whatever manner.

Even "breathable" materials can create that air-pocket where they are re-breathing their own carbon-dioxide.

Again, the just things approved for sleep by the AAP is anything labeled "crib", "bassinet", or "play-yard".

"Bouncer", "napper", "lounger", etc. are cleverly idea-out marketing terms but are definitely Not approved for sleep.

Is the Mamaroo rubber?

It's safe to sit infant in. To allow baby rock and swing and play in. It is not prophylactic to put infant in for their naps and certainly not for their night sleep. Non merely is it not apartment, firm, and unable to permit baby to slumber on their back, it also swings and whatever movement keeps baby into lighter sleep.

You can use it to get some free easily and let siblings play and cuddle with infant, but not for sleep.

Nap Times Cheat Sail

Learn how to space naps, how many a day per age, best times, etc. and get your nap game ON!

Let me end this mega post by saying this….

You can teach your little one to sleep without having to get through tricks and exercise things that are unsafe. It isn't worth beingness stressed, broken-hearted, worried, and losing sleep over.

Babies can sleep not bad in a safe environment – it can take some worth, merely it's totally worth it.


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