Reviews for Sample Exams for Cset Subtest 1 Practice Test

CSET Multiple Subjects Overview

Welcome to our CSET Multiple Subjects practise test and prep page. On this page, nosotros outline the domains and cardinal concepts for the CSET Multiple Subjects examination. It is a free resources we provide and then you tin see how prepared yous are to accept the official exam.

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In this article, we will cover:

  • CSET Multiple Subjects Subtest Videos
  • CSET Multiple Subjects Test Data
  • CSET Subtest I (Reading, Language, and Literature; History and Social Science)
  • CSET Multiple Subjects Subtest Two (Scientific discipline; Mathematics)
  • CSET Multiple Subjects Subtest 3 (Physical Teaching; Human Development; Visual and Performing Arts)

CSET Multiple Subjects Videos

CSET Multiple Subjects Test Information

Each subtest has a specific number of questions you must complete in the allotted fourth dimension. Beneath is a breakdown of the number of questions per subtest, also as the fourth dimension allotted to answer the questions.

CSET Subtest Type of Questions, Number of Questions and Time Allowed

Cost: $99 per subtest. $247 for all subtests taken together.

Locations: The Multiple Subjects is a Reckoner-Administered Test (True cat), and then it tin can exist taken at numerous locations across California, too as a few locations outside of California.

Passing Score: 220 per subtest. Test results are available inside 5 weeks of testing.

Miscellaneous: A standard four-part on-screen calculator is provided to examinees for the Multiple Subjects Two. Testing is non available on Sundays and major holidays.

Multiple Subjects Practice Test PinWhat is the CSET Multiple Subjects?

TheCSET Multiple Subjects exam is an assessment of English, Social Studies, Mathematics, Social Studies, Physical Pedagogy, Homo Evolution, and Fine Arts. It is required to teach at the uncomplicated level in the state of California.

How much is theCSET Multiple Subjects?

TheCSET Multiple Subjects cost $99 per subtest when taken separately. The cost for all three subtests taken together is $247.

How long is theCSET Multiple Subject field?

The Multiple Subjects consist of three dissever subtests:

  • CSET Subtest 1: 52 multiple-choice questions and 4 constructed-response questions
  • CSET Subtest 2: 52 multiple-choice questions and 4 constructed-response questions
  • CSET Subtest 3: 39 multiple-choice questions and 3 constructed-response questions

For a more in-depth test breakup, encounter test breakdown department.

How is theCSET scored/graded?

EachCSET subtest has a passing score of 220. Each subtest is scored on a scale from 100 to 300. The test is graded on a scale. This means that if yous have an piece of cake prepare of questions that you, and everyone else, scores very loftier on- the exam will "scale" your score then that the passing percentage is equal (or fair) for people who get difficult test questions.

How hard is theCSET Multiple Subject (Subtest one, 2 and three)?

For first fourth dimension test-takers during 2019-2020, the passing rate was 65.6%. The cumulative passing rate during those same years was 74.two%. The exam ranges from difficult to very difficult and requires a test-taker to properly report and fix for the exam.

*Source: Annual Study on Passing Rates of Commission-Approved Examinations from 2015-16 to 2019-20.

CSET Multiple Subjects Locations

Pearson offers testing locations in the United states (and some places internationally). To find the testing location(south) nearest you, simply annals for theCSET and choose the virtually convenient testing heart.

CSET Dates

TheCSET offers Computer-Based Testing (CBT). When taking the CSET via CBT, you can register at multiple locations throughout California during most weekdays.

CSET ID Requirements

To take theCSET, you must present anoriginal,government-issued,valid(non-expired) identification that has your photo, full name, and signature. Make certain to bring the ID with you on the day of the test to the testing center. For most test-takers, a valid driver's license or United States Passport is a valid ID.

CSET Multiple Subject Tips

  • Make certain to reply every question (even if you judge)
  • Know how much time you have left
  • Be familiar with the on-screen estimator (for the math section)
  • Understand how to write a Synthetic Response Question
  • Eliminate incorrect answers first
  • Piece of work through practice questions so you know what to expect
  • Use 240Tutoring's study guide

How to Pass theCSET

To pass theCSET you must first understand what is on the exam and what you lot volition be expected to know. The best way is to review the 240 Tutoring test breakdown materials and practice questions. Once y'all identify areas of weakness, yous can begin targeting those areas with instructional content and practice questions.

CSET Multiple Subjects Subtest 1: Reading, Language, and Literature; History and Social Scientific discipline

The CSET Multiple Subjects: Subtest I: questions focus on Language and Linguistics, Written and Non-Written Communication, and Reading Comprehension. The tricky part of the English language question is they focus, primarily, on how well you lot understand the teaching of English (that is how students learn, and how best to teach, English).

Language and Linguistics

To teach English language, yous must offset know the basics of the English language. So, the Multiple Subjects: Subtest I exam tests yous on the primal components of human language (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and the role of pragmatics). One of the foundational aspects of language is phonemic awareness – the ability to hear, identify, and dispense phonemes. After you lot master that, make sure you understand the alphabetic principles, the parts of speech, and know basic sentence structures (simple, chemical compound, and circuitous).

You likewise need to understand how a child's showtime language develops, how a child can develop a 2nd linguistic communication, and the observable milestones for each development. And you should be familiar with the major theories associated with linguistic communication acquisition.

Literacy evolution is some other large aspect of Language and Linguistics. You lot need to understand the procedure of literacy development and how to assess it. Become familiar with concepts like decoding, comprehension, give-and-take recognition, spelling, accuracy, rate and prosody.

Big Concept to Know: Phonemic Awareness. Make sure you lot THOROUGHLY empathise what phonemic sensation is.

Big Concept Resource:

Not-Written and Written Communication

Writing questions appear on the examination, and focus mainly on two aspects of writing: strategies and applications. Writing strategy questions embrace the five steps of the writing process- outline, note-taking, rough draft, revision, final draft. You also need to know nearly specific writing concepts such as principles of organization, transitions, point-of-view, word choice, job, purpose, and audience.

Also, for writing you should know the four principles of composition (appropriate construction, logical evolution of ideas, appropriate vocabulary, and context). Y'all need to recognize the characteristics of different writing genres (statement, informative, narrative, summaries, letters, and inquiry reports). Also, yous should know how to teach students to create arguments then support their claims.

Not-written communication addresses genres like storytelling, narratives, persuasive pieces, research presentations, and poetry recitations. Just the aspects of communication still hold. Non-written communication questions accost how the speaker best communicates their idea.

Large Concept to Know: The Writing Process.

Large Concept Resource:

Reading Comprehension and Analysis

Reading comprehension and analysis is the last major area the Multiple Subjects: Subtest I English questions address. The reading questions measure how well yous, the test-taker, understand what y'all're reading. The test provides various reading passages and asks you to identify the main idea, reason for word choice, and other relevant questions to gauge your comprehension.

You should exist familiar with characteristics of unlike genres, including novels, brusque stories, folktales, fairy tales, and poems. Make sure you lot empathise how to clarify the structure of a reading passage, looking the construction, organization, and purpose of informational texts.

Big Concept to Know: Text Complexity

Big Concept Resource:

Social Sciences

The Social Sciences portion of the Multiple Subjects: Subtest 1 tin can be divided into three main categories: Aboriginal Civilizations, The states History, and California History. The catchy part is the CSET test requirements weave geography and history together, so that you lot must know both to really have a shot at answering the questions correctly.

Ancient Civilizations

The Social Studies portion of the Multiple Subjects: Subtest one can be divided into three main categories: Ancient Civilizations, U.s.a. History, and California History. The CSET test complicates things by weaving geography and history requirements together, and so you must know both to really take a shot at answering the questions correctly.

For ancient civilizations, the offset thing to know is how geography impacted the Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Kush, Hebrew, Greek, Indian, Chinese and Roman civilizations. So, what are some examples of geography impacting these civilizations? Simply accept a look:

  • The Egyptians were surrounded by desert on three sides and the Mediterranean Sea on one side. This geography placement insulated Egypt from its enemies, as whatever invading force would have to cross a desert or canvas beyond the Mediterranean to reach Egypt.
  • The Greek city-states, while Greek in name, were very contained in civilization and values (think Athens v. Sparta) due to the difficulty of overland travel in the mountainous Greek topography.
  • State of israel (the ancient Hebrew nation) is in a trade intersection of multiple major civilizations – giving information technology a distinct advantage in merchandise.

Also, you should know about the major intellectual contributions of these aboriginal civilizations.

Ancient civilizations as well applies to the Medieval and Early Modernistic civilizations. Questions from this department look at the influence of physical geography on the civilizations of the Chinese, Japanese, African, Arabian, Mesoamerican, Andean Highland, and European civilizations. (Run into above examples for how geography impacts civilizations). You lot MUST know the causes for the decline of the Western Roman Empire, also as the rise of feudalism in Europe and Japan during the "Dark Ages" (the period between 600 A.D. –  1400 A.D.) You lot should be familiar with Pre-Columbian American art, architecture, and science. Also, you demand to know nearly the influence of Christianity and Islam on Europe and the Heart East during this fourth dimension, likewise as the crusade and influence of the Renaissance.

P.South. Check out the Magna Carta – information technology's a big deal.

Large Concept: How Geography impacts Civilizations

Big Concept Resource:

U.s.a. History

United States history is non virtually equally broad, but you need to know specific details. The big concepts to know for U.S. History begin with why Western European countries began exploring the Americas (see this page well-nigh the Northwest Passage), how the economic thought of Mercantilism influenced American colonization (article about Mercantilism), and how slavery developed in the New Earth (in-depth assay about Bacon's Rebellion). You really need to know near the Revolutionary State of war (the War for Independence), specifically, the colonial political and military leaders, the impact of the war on Americans, France's role in the war, and the key ideas outlined in the Proclamation of Independence.

Moving forward in history, you need to know about the political system in the U.S.- such as how citizens participate, the Manufactures of Confederation, the factors leading to the U.South. Constitution and the Bill of Rights (run into commodity to a higher place), the major principles of the U.S. Constitution and – this ane is VERY IMPORTANT – the separation of powers outlined in the U.S. Constitution.

One time you understand the political ideology of the new democracy, wait at U.S. expansionism (similar Manifest Destiny) and the authorities'due south policies toward American Indians during this time of expansion. As the U.S. expanded, the question of slavery became even more polarizing and important. Eventually, this would lead to the Ceremonious War and subsequent Reconstruction. While specific Civil State of war battles are unlikely to exist on the Multiple Subjects: Subtest I, yous should know about the implications of Reconstruction on the South, such as the 13thursday, 14th, and xvthursday Amendment, the role of Blacks and women in this time, and Jim Crow laws. Reconstruction eases into the industrialization of America – the second Industrial Revolution – and the clearing information technology encouraged. So exist familiar with the response of Nativism and the impact of industrialization on the U.South.

Big Concept to Know: The ensured rights of the U.Southward. Constitution, specifically the separation of powers, federalism, and the concept of a Democratic Republic.

Big Concept Resource:

California History

California history focuses somewhat on Pre-Columbian civilization in California, so make certain you know the geography, economic activities, folklore, and religion of American Indians in California. Besides, you should really understand the touch of Spanish exploration on California – such as the touch on of the mission organization.

Make sure you know the impact of the gold discovery on the culture, politics, social fabrics, and economy of California.

Finally, you demand to know about the key principles in California'due south Constitution – such as progressive-era reforms of the referendum and call up – every bit well every bit the similarities and differences betwixt California'south Constitution and the U.S. Constitution. Yous should know about migration to California (during the Dust Basin and in the 1950s) – and the cultural, social, political, and economic touch of migration. You should know the factors leading California's water arrangement – and its relationship to geography – also as the development and locations of California's major economic activities (mining, agriculture, entertainment, recreation, aerospace, electronics, and international merchandise).

Big Concept: The Mexican-American War – considering information technology inverse California immensely. Who controlled California before the war, and then after the state of war, how this timeline relates to the Gold blitz and when California became a U.S. state are all of import details to know.

Big Concept Resource: of war

Of import NOTE:

On Part II of the CSET Subtest I examination guide, it does state that non-history, social studies skills will appear on the test. This includes economical concepts like scarcity, opportunity toll, supply and demand, the business cycle, and fiscal and monetary policy. For political science, this includes concepts like reading a map and a globe, geographic systems (like the water cycle), and cultural diffusion. This can also include concepts related to philosophy, anthropology or full general concepts relating to human migration.

And that is some bones information well-nigh CSET Subtest i test.

CSET Multiple Subjects Subtest 2: Science; Mathematics

The mathematics questions on the Multiple Subjects Subtest 2: Mathematics can be the most intimidating for many examination-takers. The reason is many test-takers exercise not feel comfy with math, all the same alone answering 24 math questions ranging from solving for "Ten" to calculating the probability of a die ringlet to how best to teach fractions to fifth-graders. The good news is that the mathematics tested on the Multiple Subjects: Subtest Ii is just, for the nigh part, bones mathematical skills. The math questions can easily exist divided into four sections: Number Sense, Algebra and Functions, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics/Probability.

Number Sense

Number sense questions focus on how well you empathise the base 10 identify value system, your understanding of the greatest common factor and prime number factors (which are really of import), ordering real numbers (integers, mixed numbers, and rational numbers) on a number line, representing numbers in scientific notation, and performing operations with positive, negative, and fractional exponents.

Large Concept: You must understand the order of operations: P-E-Physician-AS and how it impacts solving or simplifying a function.

Big Concept Resource:


The Algebra questions focus on how well you can identify numerical patterns – specifically using functions, tables, and graphs. That means you should be able to identify patterns and create an equation to mimic the pattern. Also, you should sympathize proportional reasoning – ratios, equivalent fractions, similar triangles, etc. The Algebra section also focuses on expressions for equalities and inequalities (no, not the political inequalities you run into in the news, mathematical inequalities). Yous need to know equations can be unlike, simply also the aforementioned, similar how two(ten + 3) = 2x + 6. You should empathize basic linear equations (y = mx + b) and how to translate an equation to a graph. And finally, make sure y'all know what bones exponential equations look like on a graph.

Big Concept to Know: You lot need to be able to explain the meaning/connection betwixt symbolic expressions- similar relating a real-life situation to a mathematical equation or vice-versa.

Big Concept Resources: Practice Questions beneath

Geometry and Measurement

Geometry questions focus on shapes and their symmetry, translations, rotations and reflections – as well equally triangles (I mean, information technology is geometry). Make certain you empathise the bones definitions of shapes – how many sides each shape has and the sum of their interior angles. Y'all should also know how shapes are reflected, translated, and rotated along a geometric plane.

Measurement questions focus on how well you lot can measure basic units (time, length, angles, perimeter, surface area, expanse, volume, weight/mass, temperature). Y'all demand to be able to calculate the perimeter of two- and iii-dimensional figures, as well as their surface surface area, and the volume of 3D figures. Also, yous will be tested on proportional reasoning – or how a calibration cartoon translates to a full-sized object.

Big Concept to Know: The Pythagorean Theorem. If you lot don't know what that is- y'all need to picket the video in the resources.

Large Concept Resource:

Probability and Statistics

The probability and statistics questions focus on analyzing data for hateful, median, mode, and range, expressing probabilities in a diverseness of ways, using ratios, proportions, decimals, and pct, while assessing the probability of outcomes in terms of defined samples.

To ready for the probability and statistics questions, brand certain you know how to gauge the probability of outcomes of a given situation.

Big Concept: Probability of an Event


The science questions on the CSET Multiple Subjects: Subtest Ii are divided into three categories: Life Science, Earth Science, and Physical Scientific discipline. Earth Science covers the solar system and the universe, the structure and limerick of the Earth, and the Earth'southward atmosphere. Life Scientific discipline is about the living and nonliving components in environments, equally well as the life wheel, how reproduction works (go your heed out of the gutter, it's a science test) and development. Physical Science questions focus on the structure and backdrop of matter, as well every bit the principles of motion and energy.

Earth Science

P.S. Make certain you castor up on the lunar bicycle. It'due south important.

Large Concept to Know:Plate Tectonics – the theory that underneath the Earth's crust are large plates that bladder/shift beyond the surface of the earth. These shifts are the primary cause of mountains, earthquakes, and volcanoes. Be sure to brush up on plate tectonics for the science exam.

Resources for the Big Concepts:

YouTube: https://world wide

Life Scientific discipline

The life science questions focus on living organisms and life on Earth. So that means knowing things are made up of cells, and knowing how cells work. All living things must have food, h2o, and shelter to survive. Knowledge of ecosystems and what impacts them is of import – water supply, temperature, soil composition. As well, you should know about specific life cycles – like the butterfly, frog, or mouse, and the different means animals reproduce (sexual v. asexual reproduction). How cells reproduce (mitosis) and the different types of cells is another key concept you should grasp. Finally, undergirding the understanding of life is the theory of development and that living organisms evolve through natural selection.

Large Concept to Know:Energy and Food Concatenation. Among living things there is a bureaucracy of plants, insects, small animals, and big animals. You should know what a primary producer is, what a consumer is, and what a decomposer is. All this makes up an ecosystem – the plants, the consumer, and the decomposers. AND, energy is passed between these levels to keep the energy in the ecosystem and nutrient chain.


Concrete Scientific discipline

The concrete science questions test your understanding of the physical properties of matter (solid, liquid, and gas) – specifically well-nigh their mass, density, hardness, and conductivity. You should know most the physical changes of thing, like water moving from a freezing state to a gaseous country, and the chemical changes of matter, like brewing coffee, and how physical changes differ from chemical changes. You should know the structure of an atom, and how unlike structures create different elements – which is how the Periodic Table is arranged – by the increasing number of protons in the atomic nucleus. Y'all will see questions about pH, and you need to know the gauge pH levels of common items (detergent, soda, and water). And since concrete science deals with physics, you lot need to know the fundamentals of objects in move – like the dissimilar ways to draw an object's motion (position, displacement, speed, velocity, dispatch). You must know nearly simple machines (levers and pulleys) and different energy forms (solar, wind, chemical, electrical, nuclear, etc.). You should know the different ways estrus is transferred (conduction, convection, and radiation) and the divergence betwixt heat and temperature.

Big Concept to Know: Waves – specifically the properties of waves (mainly light waves). Know how aamplitude and frequency impact wavelength, and how changing these properties influences the characteristics of wavelengths.

YouTube: YouTube:

And that is some bones data nigh CSET Subtest 2.

CSET Multiple Subjects Subtest 3: Physical Education; Human being Evolution; Visual and Performing Arts

The CSET Multiple Subjects: Subtest 3 focuses on Physical Educational activity, Human Development, and the Visual and Performing Arts. The concrete education questions focus on teaching students physical education, homo evolution questions focus on how students develop – both emotionally and physically – and the visual and performing arts section focuses on trip the light fantastic, music, theater, and visual art.

Concrete Education

The physical education questions also assess your knowledge of traditional and non-traditional games and physical activities (so brush upwardly on common P.E. games elementary students play and learn why). The questions likewise measure out your ability to choose games that are inclusive for all students, regardless of gender, race, civilization, faith, ability or inability.

Physical development questions focus on mental and physical human evolution. For these questions, you should know the development of an adolescent's fine and gross motor skills, besides as factors that influence development (exercise, relaxation, diet, stress, substance abuse, etc.) Also, know how physical activity impacts a student'southward cocky-image and how goal-setting using concrete activities impacts a educatee's life-long growth. Finally, recognize individual differences pertaining to gender, race, culture, ability, and disability and how to promote a positive classroom using cooperation, contest, and socially responsible behavior.

Big Concept: What is exercise and why is information technology important.

Large Concept Resource:

Human Development

Human development questions look at the cerebral, social, and physical development of children. Cognitive evolution questions focus on a student's agreement of reasoning, symbolic manipulation, and problem-solving. You need to know the stages of cognitive evolution and the characteristics of each stage.

Social development refers to a student's personality and temperament – things like zipper, self-concept, autonomy, and identify.

A student'southward development is also influenced by various factors which can be genetic, organic, sociocultural, socioeconomic, sex, and gender. Abuse – physical, emotional, substance corruption, and fail – also affects a student'southward development. Know how each of these factors can touch a student's development.

Large Concept: You need to know Erikson'southward stages of Devleopment

Big Concept Resource:

Fine Arts

California has a handbook well-nigh how to teach the Arts: Visual and Performing Arts Framework and Student Academic Content Standards . Review that booklet and know the basics. It is a cracking first step in preparing for the Multiple Subjects: Subtest 3 test.

For each of the arts (trip the light fantastic, music, theater and visual arts) y'all should know that fine art is created purposefully to communicate something. Depending on the medium, you tin use different tools to communicate different things. Examples for each expanse might be:

  • Elements of trip the light fantastic toe, such as
    • Space
    • Time
    • Levels
    • Energy/strength
  • Elements of music, such as
    • Pitch
    • Rhythm
    • Timbre
    • Music Concepts
      • Music Notation
    • Elements of theater
      • Acting
      • Directing
      • Design
      • Scriptwriting
    • The principles of fine art:
      • Residuum
      • Repetition
      • Contrast
      • Emphasis
      • Unity

Big Concept: Fine art is used to communicate ideas. What are the dissimilar tools of each medium and how to use those tools.

And that is some data about the CSET Subtest iii.


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